This And That – Foundation Definition & Meaning
These two words combine well, even to the point of being part of a successful advertising campaign for the Sussan clothing company. Used alone, they convey ambiguity but is that their purpose? One development task for all students is to learn the application of these words and decipher an author’s intention. English tutors are experts at determining intent and instructing students in improving their writing.
This and that belong to two foundational word families; is and at. We add a blend to the beginning and have two common words with significant meanings. When learning, there are some challenges, particularly for children who may have speech impediments. Phonics uses voice production to assist in determining words. Our vocabulary starts with reproducing the words spoken to us in childhood. Two things can go wrong at this stage; one is impaired hearing, the second is impaired speech. The ‘th’ sound is made by specific mouth and tongue movements and may be confused for ‘f’ or other soft ‘blown’ sounds. Early childhood checks usually detect the problems and refer you to the correct health professionals. Our early childhood tutors will work with children to hear the sounds while they learn the families.
Primary school students learn about determiners: a this and that. When used correctly before a noun, they direct our thoughts to a specific item. Our local, affordable and friendly English tutors will guide your students as they learn when to use which determiner.
The most common area that you will find this and that is in conversations when someone is trying to find something but is unspecific about what. Their assistant may hold up one or two items and ask, “Is it this one?” The seeker has to look and provide feedback, either “Yes” or “No”. Sometimes they see the item and point it out as “that one”. You need to be visually present to understand what ‘that’ is. A clever writer will describe the scene so well that you can visualise what is being sought. English tutors extend students’ abilities in writing.
Primary school students learn to write three types of texts: narrative, opinion and persuasive. Narrative texts are essentially stories, so I encourage students to begin writing stories about their favourite things. I love hearing about what teddies and soft toys get up to when the lights are off. Imagination is the biggest asset in learning to write a narrative. Eventually, they become reports, but initially, they can be fun. All our tutors are skilled at narrative writing.
Opinion writing relies on a student’s ability to formulate and present their point of view. It is vital in this development to equip students with the vocabulary they need to put their thoughts onto paper. Brainstorming is perfect for this task, and its rules are simple; everything gets caught and written down. Choosing and editing the ideas come once everything is evident. You then select one or two main thoughts, setting aside others as supports. If your student requires help with brainstorming or gathering ideas, then call one of our local Fruition Tuition centres for an assessment.
Persuasive writing follows from opinion. In this process, you not only state your point of view but encourage others to agree with you and change their minds. High school debating and potential political or sales careers await students who can master the art of persuasion. Our English tutors are ready to tutor centres near me and waiting to take on the challenge of persuading or counteracting arguments from students. It is well worth the effort.