Secondary Stimulus Package

The best stimulus for learning is curiosity. I enjoy watching small children at play, marveling at their enthusiasm for small details and their ability to let their imagination fly free. Sadly, formal schooling often strips that curiosity, replacing it with a set curriculum, formulae, and assessments. It doesn’t surprise me that within a short time, …

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Foundational Aspect Of Reading And Writing

Everyone I know respects and emulates leaders who show integrity and honor. When it comes to education and learning, the same process applies. Our students (children, classes or clients) will respond better if we show them by example during our instruction. Two vital areas for this care are reading and writing. Our local and affordable …

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Why Hiring an English Tutor is Best For Your Child?

Thinking about hiring an English tutor for your child, but not sure whether it is worth it? Well, hopefully this article will help. Class sizes are growing, and teaching resources are diminishing. As a result, more and more kids are falling behind in their learning. With subjects like English, which aren’t as prioritised by the …

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