Mid-year report time

For many, this time comes as a matter of course. For others, it can be a time of dread and uncertainty. Whatever the response, we are here to help.

The mid-year report and parent-teacher interview is an opportunity to assess and reassess the goals and aspirations of both parents and students.

Fruition Tuition is ready and willing to help you make sense of the report and then assist you to put strategies into place to bring out the best in your student.

Our motto is – To inspire successful learners and support families.

Families are crucial for everyone. They remain the bedrock of society, and when one member of the family is struggling, everyone else is affected. So, if you feel the strain of navigating the education system and/or have a student who is not achieving the result you expected, we can help. Not only that, if your student is achieving the required results and you would like to extend their capacity or have intentions toward an exclusive education, then we are also well placed to help prepare for entrance tests.

Some general tips for responding to reports and interviews

  • If you are shocked or severely disappointed, take the time to process this before talking with your student. Your reactions can impact their studies as much, if not more, than the actual result.
  • Review the outcomes with your student. Arrange a time, similar to an interview, to read, review, and assess the results. Listen to the responses. You know your student well, so this is a time to encourage them to be honest with both themselves and you about what is going on at school. Reflection in this setting is the ability to discern what was done well and what may be improved.
  • Reflect and review the way that homework is managed. Some schools give a lot; some give not so much. Some children are well organized, set themselves a target and get it out of the way, while others avoid it like the plague. There is no one singular way to manage it. Every family needs to do the work of sorting out how it is done. It may surprise you to learn that parents are the primary educators of children. Most children spend more time with their parents than anyone else, so what do they see, hear and learn at home that perhaps you hadn’t considered?
  • Goal setting. You may or may not have heard about the acronym SMART regarding goals. Start small, setting Specific goals, like plugging in the iPad every night to charge. Measurable; in this example, the iPad is visibly on the charger. Achievable, in this example, it is easy for anyone to put the iPad on the charger; it doesn’t take a vast amount of skill. Realistic; it is a task that needs doing and is a real-world responsibility. Even if you don’t work with iPad’s, you can recognize the need for charging devices. Timely/time frame; in this example, the time frame is every night. 

What has a goal of daily charging a device got to do with a student’s report? It is a simple responsibility, one that relates to the care of equipment used in learning. It is the same learning pathway required by students to learn concepts related to numerous subjects. You know your student best, so set goals according to their level of development. Start with something easily achievable and, if necessary, reward the meeting of the goal. Another saying of Fruition Tuition is that ‘success is not a burden’. There’s nothing like successfully and consistently meeting goals and the feeling that it brings. As their confidence grows, make the challenge of meeting the goal bigger.

There are times when your capacity is stretched, and you have done everything you know to do for your student. That is where Fruition Tuition can help. Find the center closest to you and let us assist you to bring about successful outcomes and support you and your family.

Private tutoring is considered an effective measure to improve academic reports and achievements. If you are worried about your child’s results in their mid-year school report, our private tutors can help identify where the problems lie and put together a personalized tuition help your child build their skills in individuals’ areas.

 One of the grounds the inquiry is all over the location when it comes to private tutoring is because student qualities be different. For instance, some students may put forth more attempt or have more reason than others. Outside aspects such as classroom tutoring and living conditions also come into play. Private Tutoring can only do so much.