The Most Stressful Things Adjusting Expectations In Life

Two of the most stressful things in life, in my experience, are adjustments and expectations. The last two years have been full of both. For most people, their expectations of work, school, and socialization have been turned upside down by a microscopic, non-living entity called a virus. As Melbourne begins to reopen for school, retail, …

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Why is Communication Skill Important in Primary schools?

Communication skills are vital for a functional society. Now, more than ever, we need to be able to sort fact from fiction, opinion from reality, and sensation from the ordinary. How do we do this? By reading, writing and speaking. These three form the focus of literacy in the Primary School Years. The focus of …

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They Said What?

The double punctuation here indicates shock and surprise. Surprises can be good, as in when a loved one appears suddenly after an absence. This saying, however, usually shows a surprise that is not so welcome. It usually is uttered when someone hears an insult. How dare that person speak to you like that? The audacity …

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