Importance of Mathematics in a Children’s Life

My last post explored mathematics, as seen in Australian Rules Football. Spring is upon us, so the cricket season is warming up.  Cricket uses more complex mathematics and also concepts from the discipline of physics. So, if you have a child interested in cricket, here’s how to interest them in advanced mathematics. Older primary school …

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Why is Primary School Tutoring Important for children?

One of the fundamental tasks of human interaction is communication. From the beginning of life to the end, there is an unrelenting need to communicate. Initially, all communication is verbal, starting with an inarticulate cry of a baby, and then as control of muscles is developed, sounds and words begin to emerge. Verbal communication is …

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They Said What?

The double punctuation here indicates shock and surprise. Surprises can be good, as in when a loved one appears suddenly after an absence. This saying, however, usually shows a surprise that is not so welcome. It usually is uttered when someone hears an insult. How dare that person speak to you like that? The audacity …

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