Frustration Tolerance
Frustration tolerance is what we call the ability to adjust to unexpected and unpleasant occurrences. It is a mark of maturity and something that is needed to navigate life successfully. We live in days of intense frustration and disruption; so, being able to tolerate the disappointment is a life-giving health thing.
Young children are not noted for it, and early childhood programs have an element of learning to tolerate frustration. Other things that are developed in early childhood programs are spatial awareness and getting along with others.
Spatial awareness is the underpinning knowledge of where you are relative to everything around you. A baby learning to crawl is developing spatial awareness and coordination between left and right via the corpus callosum, which is an all-important bridge between the left and right sides of the brain. Once you reach kindergarten or early childhood learning, this is taken for granted, and other concepts take their place. Including the knowledge of front and back, forwards and backwards, start and stop, and left and right. These concepts are required in many aspects of life, and the need for tutoring commences for many children, either in-centre or remotely. We have a lot of fun sorting our left from right.
Working with other people also develops frustration tolerance. In early childhood programs, a child learns to listen while others speak and to take turns. They learn not to interrupt and also speak clearly when their turn does come. The ability to share is developed after they master the concept of ownership. Working with others is likely to have frustrating moments, and not everyone is able and or willing to participate in group activities. Communication is an important skill learnt during these years.
Sometimes, it is necessary to back out and reduce the size of the group. Two people working one-to-one is a group, just a tiny one. Working with a reliable tutor means that the needs of the child can be met. Tutoring can be done either in-centre or remotely, as we are currently doing.
Remote learning brings its unique frustrations, as we are presently discovering. Primary school students are feeling the pressure, as it is impossible to hide when required to do a presentation with your teacher via zoom. The distortion of the camera and background interference can be off-putting for many. The ability to ask questions is theoretically increased. Having a reliable, knowledgeable tutor available increases a student’s capacity to answer those questions.
Even when doing in-person lessons, primary school students find learning mathematics a challenge. One of the frustrations is that you need a flexible brain that can go from left to right, forwards and backwards at speed to conquer certain math functions. In-centre tutoring helps with this as we walk children (literally) through the process of adding and subtracting. Maths tuition covers many topics, including area, geometry, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, algebra and equations, to name a few.
English language development can be severely frustrating. Language is not a static, stable thing like mathematics. It is fluid and comes with a multitude of rules. Spelling is something that takes many years and a combination of skills to master. English tuition often centres around spelling and reading, particularly in primary school. Reading with your tutor helps you hear what you are reading, and one-to-one tuition ensures that every student gets the assistance they need. Why not make a tutoring enquiry and let the best value tutors in town provide insight and help for your learner?