Why is Primary School Tutoring Important for children?

One of the fundamental tasks of human interaction is communication. From the beginning of life to the end, there is an unrelenting need to communicate. Initially, all communication is verbal, starting with an inarticulate cry of a baby, and then as control of muscles is developed, sounds and words begin to emerge. Verbal communication is …

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Why is Communication Skill Important in Primary schools?

Communication skills are vital for a functional society. Now, more than ever, we need to be able to sort fact from fiction, opinion from reality, and sensation from the ordinary. How do we do this? By reading, writing and speaking. These three form the focus of literacy in the Primary School Years. The focus of …

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Made to Measure

I love the phrase made to measure. It indicates that my requirements, specifications and taste are taken into consideration. I remain a part of the decision-making process. It reminds me of Haute Couture clothing and furnishings designed for specific locations.  Standing in stark contrast are the off-the-shelf or mass-produced items. The one-size-fits-all thinking infiltrates life …

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