Vocabulary Important in Language Learning?

Have you ever seen the movie, ‘My Fair Lady’? Eliza Doolittle comes from poor working stock, and her language reflects her situation. That is until she is recorded and then educated by Professor Henry Higgins. Eventually, the transformation is so great that her entire life changes. The heart of my illustration is that words have …

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Mind Over Matter the Most for Students

What is a mind, and what is matter? These questions require thought and can become divisive if not explored with an open mind. Learning requires an open, inquisitive mind but deals with matter. What is the difference between the two? What is the relevance of these questions to parents and tutors alike? A glance at …

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Weighty Measures Matters During Student Life

Everyone uses weights and measures every day. We mentally assess whether or not something is the right size, shape, and density for use multiple times a day. Most of the time, we do it without thinking. However, this wasn’t always the case. One primary school tutoring centre Vermont mathematics task is to teach children to …

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