Our pricing structure ranges between $40 and $70 per hour depending on the type of learning program.
We begin by conducting a no-obligation assessment to determine:
- Preferred learning styles (listening, watching or doing)
- Strength and growth areas (identify any gaps)
- The best strategies to achieve success and confidence
We will spend 45 minutes with each learner and 45 minutes with the carer providing you with clear feedback. We will provide you with a full report, a brochure describing our Fruition Experience, a Fruition Learning Styles Booklet to better understand how the brain learns best and a brochure of Fruition Tuition reviews.
This will provide you with a clear individualised program to suit the learner’s needs, your time availability and your budget. At Fruition, our mission is to inspire successful learners and support families.
* * pricing may vary depending on program availability, lesson duration and location
Tuition for All ages, All subects & All needs
To find out more, call your nearest center on: 1300 (tuition) 884 846